To be oneself overcome to the work the time! Apart from the old bag, will be needed:
● scrap of fur,
● scissors,
● needle with the thread and imagination!

Using the bag with unfastened handles will be a rapid solution. It will be sufficient then to cut the strip of fur out (for bags two widths long and widths of about 15-20 centimetres). To sew the further ends up so that a circle arises and to put on the pouch.

In the place of fixing handles one should cut holes out about the about 2 cm of the width and to transfer handles by them. If we choose fur about longer horsehair, holes will be invisible.

Fifteen minutes will be enough from what we have at home to create the fashionable addition which will supplement summer styles.

We recommend fur ornaments to do long-haired, fluffy materials so as: FOX, PINSCHER, TANUKI.